Thursday 6 August 2009

Born in the 80's, grew up in the 90's

So, for the past six weeks (yes it has taken me this long, and I am not even finished yet) I have been sorting out my room to make it look like someone lives there and like a girls room.
I can honestly say that for the first time in about 2 years, i can walk around my room. everything is usually piled to about my height. It has made me great at climbing I must say.
So seeing as my mum is selling up and moving away i proceeded to sort out 20 years worth of shit that has accumulated in room. I have actually been living down memory lane!
I didn't keep out everything to blog, that kinda defeats the purpose of tidying, but I've photographed a few treasures I want to share with you =]
(btw, the screen on my camera is broken, hence crappy photos)

Sooo, first up are my pompoms :] When I was in the preteens i was obsessed with cheerleading and really wanted to be one. So i made one of my parents buy these for me from Toys R Us and had great fun last night dancing around my room to Blondie with them =]

next, sorry it's squint but a Hearsay poster! I laughed so hard when I found this! I actually think it was on my wall for a month then I realised they sucked!

Two in one with this one! First off, Sylvanian families! Faaar too cute for words! I always wanted the huge mansion, but my mum couldn't afford it so got me this instead, which I utterly adored, and still do. I also found the canal boat which I remember being constantly amused by!
The next is DREAM PHONE!!!!!!! Ohmygod i got SO excited when I found this! I remember the very last time I played it with my friend the batteries were dying and the voice came out kinda like a horror movie, just really warped and scary! We never played again after that! But i'm tempted to go get some batteries for it.

this was my first ever lunch box. it did have sooty and sweep on the front but i got embarassed and covered it with stickers. i remember the days of having cool lunch boxes, i truly do miss being 6 years old. i think i might get a lunch box for uni you know... i'll go retro!

this was in my bathroom for like the first 15 years of my life. and i memorised it, and fell in love with it. so my mum said i could have it in my room, and i am uber chuffed!

and THIS i painted in 3rd year art class, and honestly it's probably the best thing i've ever painted. so i put it on my wall cos i think it's pretty damn cool!

so there you have it! btw my caps lock key ain't working hence the lack of capital letters in this ramble =] poor mrsebastian :(

also, i just want to share with you guys my favourite song of the moment. it's called million miles by fuel and kinda sums up how i feel in my heart right now.

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