Wednesday 29 December 2010

I last blogged over a year ago and by god how things have changed in that time! But at the same time they haven't in some respects.
I am not the same girl I was when I wrote those entries though, that is for sure. I'm not going to be so bold to say I'm a better person, but definitely a lot more mature. With all the things that I have been through in these past 16 months I have had no choice but to grow up and move on. I was even considering deleting all those posts and starting afresh, but I want them there to serve as a reminder, a reminder of how far someone can come if they just man up and deal with their shit.
That's enough rambling for now.

In 3 days it is 2011. My mum and sister moved to Yorkshire in March and so I am down there right now. I was meant to be staying 'til the 7th but due to the desperate need to revise and other circumstances which I will not divulge I am leaving on Friday now and having what is sure to be an interesting Hogmanay with my roomie and a group of her friends.
I am so excited for 2011, but so scared at the same time. With the moving of my family I am pretty much independent in Aberdeen, and as of July I will no longer be getting support from my father. Enter real world Kat. I am not ready for it but I have no choice but to be. It's different for me though, I refuse to move here after graduation, and also refuse to move in with my dad. So it really is graduate-> get a job-> get a flat (hopefully with Reah again)-> real world.
It is strange to think that in 6 months time that will all be sorted, when here I am right now shitting myself about it and kidding myself into thinking that it won't happen for a long time.
That probably made no sense.
It's time for 2011. A new start. A lot is changing, both out of free will and of their own accord. Wish me luck!
I'm going to keep this blog up, I miss blogging :)

Sorry if that made no sense! Adios :)