Monday 10 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Man I am so happy to see a new year! 2011 is going to be full of so many changes- scary but awesome!
I started a blog all about new year resolutions but decided it was too personal and rambly. This year I have a few major ones, I am going to lose a lot of weight in time for graduation, I say this every year but this time I am so dedicated and ready to put the work in. On that note I'm GOING TO GRADUATE. My exams are next week and I have really stepped it up a notch on the revision front. Getting to the library every day for 9am, when it opens, and staying til at least 6 or 7 at night. It's long and tiring but you know, it's only two weeks of my life- who cares if I have no social life right now? I even deactivated my facebook. I haven't had more than 2 days without logging in for like over three years. I know, I'm addicted! I am making a few more health changes too but that's about it.
Started thinking about my future a lot, have been considering opening a cupcake bakery after graduation, seriously. I have been baking a lot lately and am working on perfecting my cupcakes. It sounds lame but I honestly have so much fun when I'm baking, it just makes me happy :)
Apart from that I am still loving every minute of living with Reah, we have so many giggles and life is just... fun! With the exception of one person we have had no drama whatsoever. And even when this person is involved it's not really drama, just really 'ughhhh! why?' and then get on with our day. It really is an awesome set up we have. Simple, happy days :) We're talking about living together next year too, but getting a house with other people too. That's if I stay in Aberdeen though, which I kinda wanna do.
Anyway it's time to head to bed and do some more reading. Dedication is my middle name! I can't wait to start gyming it again, it's so satisfying after a workout I just have no time right now.
Hope you're all well- adios lovers!

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