Monday 29 June 2009

One day I'll write something decent...

Why is everyone in Scotland forced to apply for University when they are about to leave school? This is what's really preying on my mind right now. I am at University, yes. Whilst I love it I can't help but imagine my teachers' faces if I had told them I intended to leave school and just write until I was published. They seem to implant the idea into our minds that without any sort of degree or national certificate we won't get anywhere in our lives. I love my course, my degree, my experience of Uni' so far; but in all honesty if I hadn't gotten into my third year (which was not confirmed until a week ago) I truly wouldn't care. All I have ever wanted to do is write, that and a post lady is all I have ever wanted to BE. So why have I been forced into what has just turned into a means to an end? I have been a good-for-nothing student for two years now, and despite the absolutely incredible friends I have found; all I truly have to show for it is a couple of grand of debt, many many drunken photos, and a better knowledge of what books I should be reading rather than Harry Potter. I think UCAS should advertise University as "the best drunken experience you'll ever have and the last time you'll get away with it". Because, truthfully, saying it's the beginning of the rest of our lives is just a little too frightening for fresh out of school eighteen year olds.
I've lost my train of thought again, I seem to do that a lot. My mum and sister are sitting here watching Primeval and I don't think they realise that I am actually spending this summer making very positive steps towards my chosen career. So much has happened this year, and it has affected me more than most people know; it's because of this that I finally feel inspired to write something meaningful, that will last. All I want is to write one book, or even one story, which turns that girl or boy sitting in their room late at night crying for a reason they can't even remember around. If I can do that, turn one person away from the brink of them making the biggest mistake of their lives, then I have done my job, and I will truly feel like my dream has been fulfilled.
Of course, being as rich as JK Rowling wouldn't be awful either. And visa vi my previous post, falling in love like I did earlier on this year would be utterly fantastic.
Love and money- that's not too much to ask for, is it?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you know what you want to do in life. I still haven't got a clue.

    Schools should take more time to show kids more options available to them after school instead of just pushing them towards university as uni isn't for everyone.

    Good luck with writing your book!
