Tuesday 30 June 2009

Take a risk, take a chance, make a change

I've been thinking a lot about memories today. It's so strange to think that three years ago today I was in Guatemala, recovering from the first trek up that active volcano. So much has happened in that time, so much hurt, so much drama. Love, pain, untaintable happiness. It's so weird to think that I was such a different person back then. Whether or not I'm a better person now is highly debateable. One thing's for sure, I have definitely grown up a lot, whether people choose to believe that fact or not.
I have to ask all you readers out there one thing, if you could take one landmark in your life, just one- good or bad, it doesn't matter, and do it all completely differently - would you take the chance? You could turn out completely differently if you did, your life would be turned upside down. Or it might not change at all, it could just be a subtle difference- a faster metabolism, an unbroken heart, a different hair colour. This all being said, would you do it, just for curiosity's sake?
But then again, if you DID go back and change it all, then fast forward back to your life now, would you even be aware that it was all different? Would the memory of your previous life still be there, or would you never know? What if your nearest and dearest were aware of the changes but you weren't? I was about to say "if only this were possible, huh?"; but whether or not I want this option is a conflicting decision in itself.
I could go back three years and do the whole World Challenge so so differently, and probably come out of it even stronger than I did in the end. I could go back six months and not fall head over heels in love. How amazing would life be if we knew how our actions would affect us in the future? I guess that's life for you, you never know what cards are going to be dealt to you, and in a way it doesn't matter on the cards at all. Life, in my opinion, is how you deal with those cards, how you bluff, how you assemble them, which ones you collect and which ones you discard. (Can you tell I don't play Poker?) Those cards aren't the important aspects, it's the players behind them.
I'm no expert to be honest. I'm just a twenty year old girl who thinks too much and has far too much time on her hands. All I know is that you shouldn't give up on the cards life gives you, even if it is a cruel hand. Because when you turn that cruel hand around to play in your favour is when you really show everyone what an incredible person you truly are.
Never give up on what could be an exceptional turn of events. Remember, the more you sweat in practice the less you bleed in battle. Even if the turn of events is negative on the face of it, you're going to learn to love them in the end because of who you have become out if them.

Again, not making much sense anymore. On another note, my cat is a bastard. I tried to cuddle him today for the first time since being home and he mauled my hand.


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