Wednesday 1 July 2009

Nonsensical ramblings.

The weirdest thing happened to me today. It's going to sound dumb but for the first time since I was about twelve years old I fell off my bike. (The ten year old who rode into me remained unscathed, bitch) But it's weird, it got me thinking for the next mile and a half about life, and the importance of memories. I was just cycling along in the blistering heat and then "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap came onto my iPod and all of a sudden it took me back to being seventeen again. I used to cycle along the old railway line to escape from life at home, pretending I was training for World Challenge but really I just wanted some peace and quiet. The lyrics in that song seemed so appropriate for the time too.
So my question for today is, do you ever wish you were just ten years old again? Or just really young, before all the complicated shit started happening? Does growing up mean life's getting better and knowing about the world is a positive thing rather than altogether frightening?
Is ignorance truly bliss?

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