Wednesday 8 July 2009

My tattoo is very scabby...

These past few days have been so surreal and yet so amazing. Saturday night was spent at Moopilicious' house, drinking copious amounts of wine, watching High School Musical and reminscing about how good it was to be young and drunk. Even though we didn't spend our young and drunk days together I feel like I've known her pretty much my whole life. It's been a whirlwind friendship I suppose you could say.
Then the Sunday was spent unpacking and having sentimental moments in my bedroom. I found the first thing I ever bought at Green Heaven too, a wee bracelet that says 'le chat'. If I'd known then I would be working there now I'd have laughed! I never saw this coming.
Monday was gym day with Reah after a lovely lunch in Ellon with my mum and sister. Except Reah and I didn't actually do much gym-ing! We got lost on the way there and then were told that we needed to have an induction in order to actually work out. So next Wednesday WILL be the start of the gym sessions! And I swear to god, by the end of this summer I WILL be where I want to be. I already feel like I've lost some weight. Well I know I have, my apple dress fits again, which greatly pleased me when I was wearing it today. Anyway Monday night I majorly exercised my liver at Quids. It was very messy! I also found out that night that my twenty two year old sister was getting drunk in the local park whilst I was sitting in a pub with my bestests. Sherer was out too! I really missed that boy (he's my old flatmate for all of you who don't know me) so it was good to see him. I love the Bobbin, I was so unbelievably drunk by last orders and even though I couldn't really speak the barman STILL served me two double vodkas! Madness! And as far as I know the whole night ended with tequila and texting my ex-boyfriend. Not the wisest of moves. I was NOT proud of myself the next morning!
Tuesday doesn't exist as I was too hungover to be aware of anything.
And today I was in a deliriously happy mood, though realised I have limited bullshit tolerance for idiots who come into Green Heaven. I know I'm no expert on body jewellrey, but at least I have some common sense when it comes to it! Though I bought a gorgeous new bag and got new shoes with Reah's discount. So life is good.

That's about all I have to say really. I have a feeling in 10 days time I will have a love story for all you readers though :)

Deep question of the day- would you rather live without love or money and why?

Love love

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