Friday 29 April 2011

I'm almost at 4000 words...

...and I feel like I am going to die.
I am so excited to finish this but the thought that between me and Friday stands writing probably another 10000 words, then having to delete 7000, a Creative Writing competition deadline, and a new story kills me a little bit inside.
Everytime I have a panic attack/breakdown I add another shot to have next Friday.

Also, I found a razor blade that I forgot to chuck out in my room last night, and realised it's almost been a year since I last cut myself (I know, this is not a nice topic but no one reads this anyway). I haven't thrown it out yet, I really need to. For some reason I want to keep it to test myself but I know I'll use it if things get worse. There have been times in the last few months when I've raided my room for one, who knew it was under my bed the entire time. I'm scared I'll start again, I had a major panic attack when I found it last night and started crying. If I can just make it til June 11th I'll never do it again, but honest to god, this is harder than quitting smoking. I think anyway. That's probably wrong. I'm still smoking but not still cutting. But honestly? I don't think I can do both right now. People are judging me for still smoking (now that it's properly public) but they don't seem to realise I'm in the process of quitting something which I did as regularly as lighting up. So back off. I don't need it right now.

That's all I have to say, goodbye.

Sunday 24 April 2011


There goes my blogging resolution huh? Ah well. Life is ridiculously busy right now anyway, I don't have time to blog!
Except now, I am in a 'secret' room (basically one first years don't know about) in the MacRobert building at Uni trying and failing to hit the half way mark of my dissertation. I would be doing fine, except I forgot to bring in the work I did at home yesterday and Friday and so now am trying to work on 'Rebecca' instead so I don't lose time, and let's just say it's not my favourite book of all time. My topic is how romance fiction is antifeminist which honestly is very interesting but it isn't half making me bitter and cynical, especially since I'm going through a break up from a complete douchebag (long story).
But yeah, on the 6th of May it'll be finished, bound, and handed in. And this will all feel like a dream. And I will be so very VERY drunk.
After that I have one submission for Creative Writing and that'll be all my coursework finished. I have no exams for this term so that will be me finished Uni forever. It's such an odd feeling. My friend Jenn was telling me she was looking through photos of us in 1st year and we look so different. So young and naive. It seems strange to say that I know, it was only 3 years ago, but when I sat down and thought about everything that has happened since I got very overwhelmed and proud of both me and my friends who have been there since the beginning. It's so sad that the end has come, even though we've been wishing for it for ages. I just think it's the goodbyes I don't want to deal with. My friend Jenn and I see each other pretty much everyday, we feel odd if we don't speak one day, and we send each other 'night night' BBMS. It may seem strange but it's just us. She's moving home to Newcastle at the end of May and as much as I know we will always be friends it's really bumming me out that we will no longer be living in the same city. My flatmate Reah, too, is moving to Malta with her parents this summer. She says she's just going for a holiday to see how she likes it but I honestly don't think she'll come back. As much as I'm sure I get on her nerves I love living with her. Our disturbing and odd conversations are the best way to end the days. It's going to be very strange. Alex has gotten a permanent job as a graphic designer in Nottingham too, which I am SO proud of her for, but she leaves next week, and I don't really want her to go.
I know, I know. Life moves on. We all go our own separate ways at some point. But whilst I'm the oldest out of my closest friends (bar Claire) I can't help but feel the least ready to deal with these changes. But that's getting too deep and personal.
I'm having trouble finding a job for after uni. My current plan is to stay in Aberdeen with a 6 month lease with my friend Kenny (YAY!!!) after my current one ends in July and do a TEFL course. I've heard a lot about CELTA being better but as I am not completely sure if I want to do this as a career yet I'm not going to part with £1000 for it. Then hopefully I'll be able to find some sort of job abroad, just for a few months, and then Jenn and I are going to trek around India for a month. And then it's one of my best friend's weddings in July 2012 which I am SO excited for. But after that? Who knows. It sounds silly and very adolescent but I know who I want to be with, and be with after all this is finished, I'm just waiting for him to sort his head out and figure out if he wants the same. But that's another story too.

Exciting things coming up:
I turn 22 on Wednesday and my lovely friends and I are going for a picnic in the park and playing rounders, then going for a few drinks. SO EXCITED! I may be turning 22 but I may as well be turning 12 again. Even my friend Layla is coming which I'm really excited about.

6th of May = dissertation hand in + shots.

11th-13th June = ROCKNESS!!!!! Reah has a tent her room but I still don't think she's bought her ticket yet. Not gonna lie, little bit antsy.

13th- 20th June = Grandaddy visit :) I hardly ever see him so it'll be lovely. My dad's taking us all down to Edinburgh for a few days too.

5th of July = GRADUATION DAY!!!!!!

6th of July = Graduation ball!!!! Must remember to go to the gym.

After all that, who knows. After all my deadlines I am going to start doing some freelance writing, cause through all this confusion I know that is definitely something I want to do.

As rambly as the post has been, it's all good in the hood :)

Monday 10 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Man I am so happy to see a new year! 2011 is going to be full of so many changes- scary but awesome!
I started a blog all about new year resolutions but decided it was too personal and rambly. This year I have a few major ones, I am going to lose a lot of weight in time for graduation, I say this every year but this time I am so dedicated and ready to put the work in. On that note I'm GOING TO GRADUATE. My exams are next week and I have really stepped it up a notch on the revision front. Getting to the library every day for 9am, when it opens, and staying til at least 6 or 7 at night. It's long and tiring but you know, it's only two weeks of my life- who cares if I have no social life right now? I even deactivated my facebook. I haven't had more than 2 days without logging in for like over three years. I know, I'm addicted! I am making a few more health changes too but that's about it.
Started thinking about my future a lot, have been considering opening a cupcake bakery after graduation, seriously. I have been baking a lot lately and am working on perfecting my cupcakes. It sounds lame but I honestly have so much fun when I'm baking, it just makes me happy :)
Apart from that I am still loving every minute of living with Reah, we have so many giggles and life is just... fun! With the exception of one person we have had no drama whatsoever. And even when this person is involved it's not really drama, just really 'ughhhh! why?' and then get on with our day. It really is an awesome set up we have. Simple, happy days :) We're talking about living together next year too, but getting a house with other people too. That's if I stay in Aberdeen though, which I kinda wanna do.
Anyway it's time to head to bed and do some more reading. Dedication is my middle name! I can't wait to start gyming it again, it's so satisfying after a workout I just have no time right now.
Hope you're all well- adios lovers!